Heavy restructuring of the Trianon Theatre



Surface: 3200m2

Delivery Date: 2011

TType: Living Show - effective 1500 people

Eliasun piloted the complete restructuring of the theater Trianon, Proscenium 1500 seats built in 1902 by Joseph Cassien Bernard.

The project resulted in an important historical restoration of facades and Interior, instead having been for more 60 years a cinema of boulevard, room had lost much of its architectural character. The highly complex works of equipment upgrades have also been made: realization of a scene with its freestanding grill, with a plateau on cylinders, disbursement of the room to create a mechanically adjustable floor with a system of automated armchairs. This restoration has allowed the Trianon to become again important Parisian cultural equipment.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.letrianon.fr